Welcome in the start of the Spring season with a walk to check for seasonal waterfowl and songbirds. Expected species on the water may include Buffleheads, Common Goldeneyes, Gadwalls, Mergansers, Mallards, Ruddy Ducks, Wigeon, and Coots. Thrushes, Sparrows, and Finch species along with Chickadees and Kinglets may entertain us trailside.
We will watch for courtship, breeding and nesting behaviors, as well as keep an eye out for any early Spring migrants that might be passing through. Springtime birdsong will attune our ears to songbirds along our path and in the adjacent tree stands. Notes: Bring binoculars, a scope if you have one and dress appropriately for variable March weather. Steady/heavy rain or wind cancels.
Please help keep our birding community healthy and look to join a future bird walk if you have flu/flu-like or COVID/COVID-like symptoms/illness (or have had recent similar exposure). Group size limited to 10. Trip Leader: Miranda Maxwell; location: Kah Tai Lagoon, Port Townsend; meetup: main/central parking area near caretaker and restroom facility. Questions and sign-up: mlmolympics@hotmail.com. I look forward to birding together on this first weekend of Spring!